Infrastructure | Roads & Utilities

Flow Diagram


The images were captured in 3 bands (Red Green Blue & resp.) using a camera sensor. With the help of image processing software orthomosaic is generated at centimeter level accuracy.


The orthomosaic generated is used to convert raster information to vector datasets, manually / automatically. The different parameter for asset inspections are extracted from digitization.

Data Conversion

Data conversion is one of the challenging factors in the process, as the data is generated in multi-software environments. Using automated tools/algorithms these data conversion becomes a very crucial step for linear data outputs.

Median Plantation

This is a simple representation of the linear median plantation data. The X-axis represents chainage at every 10m & Y-axis represents the number of plants per 10m. The below graph represents the 9km data for median plantation.

MCW Width

This graph represents the width of the Main Carriage Way for LHS & RHS respectively. The X-axis represents the Chainage @ 10m & Y-axis represents the width of MCW. Blueline represents the LHS & Red represents RHS.

Service Road

This graph represents the provision of the service road in the 9Km stretch. The X-axis represents the Chainage @ 10m & Y-axis represents the width of Service Road. This also represents the service road provided at the given chainage. Blueline represents the LHS & Red represents RHS.

Stone Pitching

This graph represents the existing stone pitching alongside the road. The X-axis represents the Chainage @ 10m & dual Y-axis represents the length and width of the pitching respectively.